Section: New Results

Numerical and theoretical studies of slow-fast systems with complex oscillations

A multiple time scale coupling of piecewise linear oscillators: Application to a neuroendocrine system

Participants : Frédérique Clément, Mathieu Desroches, Soledad Fernández García, Maciej Krupa.

We have analyzed a four dimensional slow-fast piecewise linear system consisting of two coupled oscillators [32] . Each oscillator is a continuous slow-fast piecewise linear system with three zones of linearity. The coupling is one-way, that is, one subsystem evolves independently and is forcing the other subsystem. We have analyzed not only the qualitative behavior, but also quantitative aspects such as the period, frequency and amplitude of the oscillations. The system is used to reproduce all the features endowed in a former smooth model and reproduce the secretion pattern of the hypothalamic neurohormone GnRH along the ovarian cycle in different species.

Border collision bifurcations of stroboscopic maps in periodically driven spiking models

Participants : Frédérique Clément, Albert Granados Corsellas, Maciej Krupa.

In [21] , we have considered a general nonautonomous hybrid system based on the integrate-and-fire model, widely used as simplified version of neuronal models and other types of excitable systems. Our assumptions are that the system is monotonic, possesses an attracting subthreshold equilibrium point, and is forced by means of a periodic pulsatile (square wave) function. In contrast to classical methods, in our approach we use the stroboscopic map (time-T return map) instead of the so-called firing map. It becomes a discontinuous map potentially defined in an infinite number of partitions. By applying theory for piecewise-smooth systems, we avoid relying on particular computations, and we develop a novel approach that can be easily extended to systems with other topologies (expansive dynamics) and higher dimensions. More precisely, we have rigorously studied the bifurcation structure in the two-dimensional parameter space formed by the amplitude of the pulse and the ratio between T and the duration of the pulse (duty cycle). We show that it is covered by regions of existence of periodic orbits given by period adding structures. The period adding structures completely describe not only all the possible spiking asymptotic dynamics but also the behavior of the firing rate, which is a devil’s staircase as a function of the parameters.

Interpreting frequency responses to dose-conserved pulsatile input signals in simple cell signaling motifs

Participants : Richard Bertram, Patrick Fletcher, Joël Tabak [Florida State University] , Frédérique Clément, Alexandre Vidal.

Many hormones are released in pulsatile patterns. This pattern can be modified, for instance by changing pulse frequency, to encode relevant physiological information. Often other properties of the pulse pattern will also change with frequency. How do signaling pathways of cells targeted by these hormones respond to different input patterns? We have asked if a given dose of hormone can induce different outputs from the target system, depending on how this dose is distributed in time [20] . We have used simple mathematical models of feedforward signaling motifs to understand how the properties of the target system give rise to preferences in input pulse pattern. We frame these problems in terms of frequency responses to pulsatile inputs, where the amplitude or duration of the pulses is varied along with frequency to conserve input dose. We have found that nonlinearity in the steady state input-output function of the system predicts the optimal input pattern. It does so by selecting an optimal input signal amplitude. Our results predict the behavior of common signaling motifs such as receptor binding with dimerization, and protein phosphorylation. The findings have implications for experiments aimed at studying the frequency response to pulsatile inputs, as well as for understanding how pulsatile patterns drive biological responses via feedforward signaling pathways.

Mixed-mode oscillations due to a singular Hopf bifurcation in a forest pest model

Participants : Morten Brøns [Technical University of Denmark] , Mathieu Desroches, Maciej Krupa.

We have revisited a three-dimensional model of forest pest where MMOs play an important role [17] . In this model, young trees are distinguished from old trees, and the pest feeds on old trees. The pest grows on a fast scale, the young trees on an intermediate scale, and the old trees on a slow scale. We have established that the main organizing center for the shape and oscillatory patterns of the solutions is not a folded-node singularity, which does exist in the system, but rather a singular Hopf bifurcation. A combination of a singular Hopf bifurcation and a weak return mechanism, characterized by a very small change in one of the variables, determines the features of the mixed-mode oscillations. Period-doubling and saddle-node bifurcations lead to closed families (called isolas) of periodic solutions in a bifurcation corresponding to a singular Hopf bifurcation.

On the Dynamics of the adenylate energy system: homeorhesis versus homeostasis

Participants : Jesús M Cortés, Ildefonso M. de La Fuente, Iker Malaina, Luis Martínez, Edelmira Valero [University of Bilbao] , Serafim Rodrigues [Plymouth University] , Mathieu Desroches.

We have developed and analyzed a new model of the ATP-ADP-AMP biochemical system in order to understand some of the functional elements involved in the cellular energy status [18] . In this model based on a delayed differential system, the enzymatic rate equations and all the physiological kinetic parameters have been explicitly considered and experimentally tested in vitro. Our central hypothesis is that cells are characterized by changing energy dynamics (homeorhesis). The results have shown that the adenylate energy charge (AEC) presents stable transitions between steady states and periodic oscillations and, in agreement with experimental data these oscillations range within the narrow AEC window. Furthermore, the model shows sustained oscillations in the Gibbs free energy and in the total nucleotide pool.

Adaptative algorithms for the simulation of slow-fast coupled oscillators in networks

Participants : Frédérique Clément, Marie Postel, Alexandre Vidal.

The numerical simulation of a slow fast system is usually performed using an explicit scheme with an adaptive time step, in order to preserve the numerical accuracy during the fast dynamic events. In the case of large sized networks of coupled slow-fast systems, one need to use the same very small time step for all components of the network, since the integration is performed simultaneously on the whole network. We have proposed a new algorithm based on a dynamic split of the network components, in the framework of symplectic integrators [40] , and applied it to a model describing the intracellular calcium oscillations in a network of embryonic GnRH neurons [9] . At each time step, the systems currently in the fast dynamic parts, are identified from their distance to the fast manifold. These components are accordingly integrated using a small time step, while a larger time step is used for the remaining of the network (cf poster abstract in the CANUM 2014 conference). Although the CPU time saving is proportional to the time constant ratio between the slow and fast dynamics, it hardly compensates the drop in the convergence order as the size of the network increases.